
At ASV, we take a hands-on approach to improving the quality of care in shelters across the world. These efforts are led by our committees.

Governance/Organization Committee

Chair: Dr. Dianne Brown
The Governance/Organization Committee is tasked with ensuring the Board is functioning appropriately and efficiently. The committee provides internal oversight, structure and recommendations to ensure the healthy development and operation of the board, its committees and task forces, and performance of the individual board member. The committee ensures that the size, leadership and composition of the board are appropriate and diverse. The committee oversees governance structures and policies. Nominations and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) are subcommittees of the Gov/Org committee.

Finance/Development Committee
Chair: Dr. Emily Purvis
The Finance/Development Committee provides financial oversight and leads the development strategy to ensure ASV’s financial stability. Committee activities occur year-round and includes monthly to bi-monthly meetings that consist of reviewing the financials, pursuing funding opportunities and investigating additional investment opportunities to support the activities of the organization. This committee works in conjunction with the Executive Board to formulate a budget and financial plan. This is a closed committee, with membership limited to ASV board members.

Shelter Medicine Awareness Committee
Chair: Dr. Brendan Bergquist 
The Shelter Medicine Awareness (SMA) Committee was formed with the overall goal of creating a forward thinking marketing plan for ASV. The committee works closely with a marketing firm to establish clear, consistent messaging thus creating one voice for ASV and its members. Committee activities include things such as ASV news releases, maintaining social media presence, conference booth activities, strategic partnerships, supporting ASV student chapters as well as anything that arises related to the messaging of ASV. The committee also oversees the promotion and presentation of ASV’s annual awards. This is an open committee, with membership comprised of current board members, association management and marketing firm representation. Any at-large members that are interested in participating in current or future committee activities are encouraged to reach out by sending an email to [email protected].

Shelter Medicine Resources and Expertise Committee
Chair: Dr. Lena DeTar
The Shelter Medicine Resources and Expertise Committee provides & publishes leading resources on shelter medicine (broadly defined) within our industry to elevate the practice of shelter medicine, the role of shelter vets, and support vets & staff. These resources are provided in various ways, including but not limited to, partnering with other organizations to bring discounted merchandise and/or services to our members, publishing written material on the ASV website as well as directing peer reviewed research to the ASV Journal of Shelter Medicine and Community Animal Health.

Position Statement Sub-Committee
Chair: Dr. Jenny Weisent
The Position Statement Committee is tasked with identifying and crafting new position statements and engaging in regular review of existing position statements. The committee oversees the development of ASV’s backgrounder informational resources and works with the Executive Board to respond to requests for advocacy on issues of importance to shelter veterinarians. This is an open committee, with membership comprised of current and past board members.

 If you are interested in serving on a committee, please email [email protected].